Before ACF came to Boroli, Cecilia was so hesitant to positive mindset change and had a negative attitude towards work. Her self-esteem was extremely low and she never believed in herself to achieve anything in life. She lacked knowledge in growing vegetables and never imagined herself participating in backyard farming yet still her family did not have enough food to eat.

WHY: I want to thank ACF for bringing TASET Organization to teach us about unlocking our minds, working together as a community and making use of all opportunities presented to us. I was trained and given different varieties of vegetable seeds, which have become a turnaround for my life.

HOW: Currently, I am harvesting the vegetables I planted and am providing my family with a complete diet, enough food and money from selling the surplus. Since the project came, my family has enough sauce and so far Shs. 136,000 got from excess production and continuously harvesting some crops every after 4 days (Sukuma).

Result: I have used the money obtained from selling excess vegetables to buy two chicken, which are now brooding. I now save at least Uganda Shillings 5000 in VSLA on weekly basis from sales of vegetables I planted in my backyard garden. Part of the money is used for buying necessities as salt, soap and other foods to supplement on those we receive from WFP.