Lawrence is a father of 13 children and a husband to three wives all residing in Pakele sub-county, Lewa parish Okawa village Ayilo 2.

Lawrence appreciates TASET organization for the mindset change training that significantly transformed his life from dependence to independence both in mind, socially and economically. “I used to struggle a lot to feed my family on the little food I would receive but nowadays the story has changed for the good. I am now an entrepreneur, a great farmer and a landlord in my area because of the mindset change training by TASET organization.

When I left the venue for the training, I was reflecting on the words that were spoken in the training and relating them to my life, it felt as if they were directly speaking into my life. I became so challenged to do something to change my life and transform my family as well for good.

After this deep reflection, I sat down and planned to use the little money I had to hire land and plant rice which I did. I looked after my garden so well and had a bountiful harvest at the end of the season. I got enough money from selling my rice grains and sat down with my family to plan how to use this money to benefit us best.

We agreed to keep some money to help us prepare for the coming season and lastly invest a bigger sum of money. For the latter, we agreed to construct a commercial house in our trading centre which is by far complete and has tenants who pay me rent on a monthly basis.

One room on the commercial was reserved for me and I am currently operating a produce store. Lawrence has so far harvested 14 bags of rice this season and still harvesting expecting to get about 25 bags of 100kgs each.”

According to Nyuma, his life and that of his family will never experience poverty again. Big thanks to Caritas, TASET Organisation and UNHCR for the support.